I have been thinking about this a lot and have looked at censorship throughout history. I have especially been looking into the Roman Catholic Churches Fig Leaf Campaign and I feel I have to comment on this.
Since prehistoric time, representations of the nude body have been a major theme in art. Until the 1500s the only people to ever wear Fig Leaves in artwork were Adam and Eve. In Ancient Greek art, male nakedness, including the genitals, was common, although the female vulva area was generally covered in art for public display. This tradition continued in Ancient Roman art until the conversion of the Roman Empire to Christianity, Today acceptance has changed and female nudity is widely more accepted than male nudity. During the Middle Ages, only the lower class and the damned were usually shown naked. Throughout history the human form has been one of the most criticized subjects for an artist to render. Often times artist choose their subject matter to record history, question social acceptance, and challenge political agenda. Censoring these works of art show disrespect for the artist their skill and their freedom to create. The human form and its use in art have always aroused mankind and causes controversy. It is intriguing to see what one person considers tasteful and erotic expressions while another may find it to be offensive. I am referring to nudity in art and not nudity that is pornographic. Tasteful erotic artwork in most cases would be any thing that does not show acts of sexual behavior, Penetration, bodily fluids or exploitation of children and minors.